書封設計|新竹 夢想之地|新竹市政府

延續新竹市 跳級生的設計風格,以簡單俐落的線條勾勒出新竹市與週邊縣市的地形樣貌,並透過拉伸將新竹市由原本的地圖圖塊中凸顯出來,創造出屬於新竹市自我的空間感,象徵新竹市這塊土地,縱使腹地不大,在經過各種用心規劃的城市改造的過程中,逐漸成為台灣眾多鄉鎮市中心之所向的夢想之地。

Continuing the design style of "HSINCHU CITY, ACCELERATED", the topography of Hsinchu City and surrounding counties is outlined with simple lines, and Hsinchu City is highlighted from the original map blocks by stretching, creating a self space belongs Hsinchu City.
During the process of urban transformation through various planning. Hsinchu City has gradually become a wonderful land for local residents.


書籍設計|2021" 新竹光臨藝術節:光臨盛宴|新竹市政府